Intentions for the blog
In reflecting back on my research journey so far, I realized that just after my innate curiosity, one aspect that has most consistently driven me towards fig...
In reflecting back on my research journey so far, I realized that just after my innate curiosity, one aspect that has most consistently driven me towards fig...
Below is the history of and my future plans for cardiosomnography (CSG). I will try to keep this post evergreen. 2009-2013 My self-initiated research beg...
Since I had published the diagram of “roughly” the ECG scaling that should be used for the network input, I have wanted to quantify how much that scaling mat...
As I mentioned on the ECG Equipment section of the More page, I am currently only aware of two commercial ECG sensors that might work for all-night ECG recor...
This interview was conducted by the University of Southern California Viterbi News. Interview at USC Viterbi News ( Originally posted on cardio...
I received some requests to provide a version of the model that does not require demographic information (age and sex). Therefore, I trained a model where th...
This interview was conducted by Healio. Interview at Healio ( Originally posted on
This interview was conducted by the University of Houston Newsroom. Interview at UH Newsroom ( Originally posted on
This is the first interview about the paper, conducted by the National Sleep Research Resource (NSRR). NSRR interview at ( Originally poste...
This is the first post about the paper, requested by the National Sleep Research Resource (NSRR). Post at NSRR ( Originally posted on car...
The paper is now available online at Computers in Biology and Medicine.
This evening I was listening to CGP Grey’s humorously profound discovery of note-taking in Atomic Notes. In it he is discussing with Myke the reassessment o...
The sorry state we are in today with regard to the tiny amount of usefulness in the www is due to the disinclination of most computer people to (a) deal wit...
The word lexia doesn’t have a commonly accepted definition in modern English. Therefore, I’ve decided to build off of its closest historical use (below) to ...
I was recently listening to a podcast by Cal Newport, and a section on “intellectual shallowness” caught my ear. He mentions Neil Postman (Amusing Ourselves...
I’ve been internally struggling with the name OpenPKB since taking a renewed interest in this project last year. It was a convenient name at the time for a ...
The software landscape is always in flux. I can’t say that I’m always able to keep up with what’s out there between exhaustive searches (or that my searches...
Whatever you want to call it: Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Minimum Viable Experiment, Simple Lovable and Complete. I’m putting my nose to the grindstone t...
In exploring the essential Qt widget for the MPV, the text “area” (known as QTextEdit or QPLainTextEdit), I was immediately confronted with the issue of for...
No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy.Helmuth von Moltke the Elder I do enjoy being reminded that one can try to plan out everything, but un...
2019, February The initial software design document was created from the various notes and ideas that have been collected since the first searches for such...
Before having read through The New Media Reader recently, I had never heard of Project Xanadu. And yet, reading Ted Nelson’s descriptions of it, starting in...
So, having read through The New Media Reader at length (which I’ll detail in another post), I was reminded of many of the features that I left out of the do...