A new name and domain
I’ve been internally struggling with the name OpenPKB since taking a renewed interest in this project last year. It was a convenient name at the time for a ...
I’ve been internally struggling with the name OpenPKB since taking a renewed interest in this project last year. It was a convenient name at the time for a ...
The software landscape is always in flux. I can’t say that I’m always able to keep up with what’s out there between exhaustive searches (or that my searches...
Whatever you want to call it: Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Minimum Viable Experiment, Simple Lovable and Complete. I’m putting my nose to the grindstone t...
In exploring the essential Qt widget for the MPV, the text “area” (known as QTextEdit or QPLainTextEdit), I was immediately confronted with the issue of for...
No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy.Helmuth von Moltke the Elder I do enjoy being reminded that one can try to plan out everything, but un...